What is Fresh Start?
Fresh Start is a new product line exclusively by DaLaurJo, introduced in 2022.
The principle of the Japanese art form of Kintsugi, also known as kintsukuroi, literally means gold mending. The artist mends broken pottery, highlighting cracks and flaws with gold to create something uniquely beautiful.
While our medium is glass and we will not be using gold, we will be creating beautiful art from glass that would otherwise be discarded.

UPcycled glass with an UPlifting message
Using glass that would otherwise be discarded we make beautiful unique masterpieces.
Each finished masterpiece will include:
– before picture(s)
– after picture(s)
– an inspirational message
You won’t realize your full potential until you go through tough times. Our creative God brings beauty out of our scars and brokenness, if we allow it. He fills our wounds and mends our brokenness with his light.
We all have flaws and imperfections, embrace them.
We are precious and each part of us is valuable. We are each a beautiful and unique masterpiece!
Fresh Start was created to reminds us of this.